Configuration Change Monitoring
Configuration monitoring allows you to view, monitor, manage and alert on device configurations all without leaving the platform. Correlate configuration file monitoring and storage with infrastructure performance across networks, data centers and customer locations. It allows the enterprise to define settings in a consistent manner, then to build and maintain them according to the established baselines.
Database activity monitoring (DAM) refers to a suite of tools that can be used to support the ability to identify and report on fraudulent, illegal or other undesirable behavior, with minimal impact on user operations and productivity. Database monitoring is a vital activity for the maintenance of the performance and health of your database management system
Network security monitoring is an automated process that monitors network devices and traffic for security vulnerabilities, threats, and suspicious activities. Organizations can use it to detect and respond to cybersecurity breaches quickly.
Application performance monitoring (APM) is the practice of tracking key software application performance metrics using monitoring software and telemetry data. Practitioners use APM to ensure system availability, optimize service performance and response times, and improve user experiences.
By becoming fully aware of all actions performed by the workers throughout the day, companies can reveal reasons for low productivity and take effective measures to counter them. It enables organizations to monitor user activity in real-time and keep context-rich session records for investigations. If data misuse or fraud is detected, you can respond immediately.
Privileged Access Management (PAM) is an information security (infosec) mechanism that safeguards identities with special access or capabilities beyond regular users. Like all other infosec solutions, PAM works through a combination of people, processes and technology.
Bandwidth monitoring is a method for measuring the actual bandwidth available on a local system (LAN or WiFi). Bandwidth monitoring tools display real-time data such as download and upload speeds and help prevent network strain.
A firewall monitor monitors firewall traffic to identify anomalous behaviors. It also monitors logs, rules, configuration, alerts and processing speed to provide deep insights on its performance and health. Finally, it enables administrators to balance firewall speed and security.
IP Management (IPM) is a method used to plan, track and manage information associated with a network’s Internet Protocol address space. Using IPM software, administrators can make sure the repository of assignable IP addresses stays up-to-date. IPM solutions help simplify and automate the administration of several tasks related to IP space management, including writing DNS records and configuring DHCP settings. Other common functionality includes reservation controlling in DHCP plus other data aggregation and reporting capabilities.